Michelle Savoy Textile Artist

Handmade dolls, textile art, mixed media art, and photography

bubble quilt tutorial

Bubble Quilt Tutorial, Michelle’s Method

tutorialsMichelle SavoyComment

I made my first bubble quilt for my granddaughter Emma, when she was just a wee one, and the next one was for a friend’s daughter (the cutie in the photo). That photo went viral, and from that point on, my focus for several years, was making bubble quilts. And cushions, and pillows, and all things bubbly. Seriously, I have made a LOT, several hundred! In fact, I changed my shop name to MichellesEye Bubble Quilts for a while. Now I’m Happy Squishies because I also make plushies and cloth dolls and I wanted a name that was more inclusive.
Because I was making so many of these, I really had to come up with an easier way to make them. There are some wonderful tutorials out there already, and I am only creating mine and putting it out there, because I have not yet seen anyone doing some of the tips that I’ve learned from doing these for so long. My manufacturing background has really come in handy, and I have several tips for you, to make creating your own bubble quilt much easier. If you have been hesitant to make one of your own, I hope this inspires you to create one, and I would love to see your photos if you do!

Here is a link to the tutorial. It still needs a little tweaking at this point, but I will update it as I make changes and add a few more photos. It is totally usable now though. Have fun, and let me know if you need any clarification on any of the steps!